LIHEAP Eligible Assistance- Energy Share
Energy Share Assistance is designed to assist qualifying households to pay their past due light bill in the event of a financial crisis. Assistance is only provided when all other resources have been exhausted and a past due or disconnect notice has been sent from a utility company.
How is eligibility determined?
Households are eligible for assistance when they are approved for ND LIHEAP (heating assistance program) through their local County Social Service Agency. Households must have a fossil fuel heat source such as Natural Gas, Propane, Fuel and/or Oil. This program is unable to assist households with Electric heat.
How do I apply?
After an initial pre-screening by phone or email, if it appears likely that you are eligible for assistance, you will be given an appointment for an intake interview.
For the interview, you must bring the following information: names, dates of birth, and proof of ALL income for the past 30 days for all adults living in the household, LIHEAP assistance approval letter and your disconnect notice bill with account number. (Examples of income include: Wages, self-employment, unemployment, child support, alimony, SSI/SSDI, TANF, Pensions, VA, grants and other regular payments.)
Utility Assistance not LIHEAP Eligible
Cass County Residents - Households seeking utility assistance must CALL 211. Clay County residents can call Lakes and Prairies (CAPLP) at (218) 512-1550.
You will be asked to provider your name and contact information. You will be asked for permission to be contacted by someone from SENDCAA, CAPLP, Salvation Army or PPiH. These agencies are working collaboratively to assist households in applying for deposit, rent, or utility assistance. Your application will be screened on the Thursday following initial application. Screenings are conducted by a committee from SENDCAA, CAPLP, Salvation Army, and PPiH.
Applications that are selected for assistance will receive a call from SENDCAA, CAPLP, Salvation Army or PPIH to conduct an intake and determine the next steps required to receive assistance. This call will typically occur on a Friday, Monday, or Tuesday. Households that cannot be assisted will receive a letter in the mail explaining why assistance was unavailable and provide suggestions of other actions that can be taken to mitigate the housing crisis. Please know that less than 15% of all applications receive assistance.
Ransom, Richland, Sargent, Steele and Traill Residents- Contact Bonnie at 701-232-2452 Ext. 123
For more information, questions, comments or to submit an application for the energy assistance program, please contact:
Bonnie Greuel
Client Services Case Manager
701-232-2452 ext. 123