Energy and Rehab
The Energy & Rehab Department has a variety of programs that serve low-income households within Cass, Ransom, Richland, Sargent, Steele and Traill Counties.
Our Programs
Assistance with a cooling device or assistance in getting their existing central air system repaired or replaced may be provided. Must be LIHEAP approved to qualify.
Repair or replacement of a furnace or water heater if cost-effective repairs are not enough.
Addresses unmet housing needs for low-income families.
HOME Rehab helps homeowners maintain their residences as safe, sanitary dwellings that meet local housing codes and helps prevent houses from becoming dilapidated.
Increase energy efficiency and cost-effectiveness of households.
Our Team

Doug Bakke
Energy and Rehab Coordinator
701-232-2452 Ext 127

Cathy Bullis
Energy and Rehab Specialist

Adrian Gayton
Furnace Technician