Who can participate?
Any licensed or self-declared home child care provider who has at least one eligible child (birth to 12 years) in their care.
How do I get started?
Call or email us and we can set a time to meet with you for a preapproval visit.
Phone: (701) 232-2452
Email: martham@sendcaa.org
What should I expect from a preapproval visit?
Your home monitor will meet you at your child care and bring you a Provider Handbook. They will go over some of the main points, including USDA meal guidelines, record keeping, claiming process, and the reimbursement process.
If interested, you will fill out an application and agreement, then be able to start recording meals for reimbursement on the same day! Your home monitor will schedule another visit within 28 days to answer any questions you may have come up with and help you through the process of your first monthly claim.
How much do I get reimbursed?
Home child care providers are reimbursed using a two-tier system. All providers are eligible for Tier 2 reimbursement, whereas Tier 1 only covers providers in income-eligible area and income-eligible families.
Meal Reimbursements
July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025
Meal | Tier 1 | Tier 2 |
Breakfast | $1.66 | .60 |
Lunch/Supper | $3.15 | 1.90 |
Snack | $.93 | .26 |